Mycological Society of America (MSA) Climate Change Research Award
The Climate Change Research Award supports research that can potentially lead to practical, viable solutions to mitigate the fundamental causes of global climate change caused by human activity. Appropriate research is broadly defined as any climate research in which fungi and their many functions and/or output are essential, elemental aspects of the research. Creative and novel areas of fundamental and/or translational fungal-climate research will be considered, including work examining aspects of fungi not previously studied in detail.
- Applicants must be current members of MSA or must have applied for membership at the time of the award application.
- Undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral scientists at US institutions of higher learning are eligible.
- Applicants whose research will include partnership with foreign individuals and/or groups must include a lead researcher(s) currently residing in the US.
- Results of research funded by the MSA Climate Change Research Award will be made available to the global scientific community free of charge.
- Website