NSF Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OPP-PRF)
The Office of Polar Programs (OPP) offers postdoctoral research fellowships (PRF) to provide opportunities for early career scientists, including social scientists, to accomplish one or more of the following goals: expand their work across traditional disciplinary lines, develop new partnerships connecting the polar regions and/or non-polar research communities, and provide entry to researchers who have traditionally had limited access to polar research resources, sites and facilities. The fellowship program encourages the integration of new investigators who have not previously worked in polar regions and/or innovative techniques that have not previously been applied to polar science into polar research. Additionally, the OPP-PRF aims to support beginning investigators with experiences that will establish them in positions of leadership in the scientific community. During their tenure, Fellows will affiliate with a host research institution(s) and conduct research on topics supported by OPP. Successful proposers will participate in a professional development program that will promote mentoring skills and coordinate their involvement in activities that increase the engagement of groups that have previously had limited engagement in polar Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Prospective fellows must be U.S. citizens, nationals or permanent residents. Proposers who are women, veterans, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in STEM, or who have attended community colleges and minority-serving institutions (e.g., Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Alaska Native Serving Institutions, and Hawaiian Native and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions) are especially encouraged to apply.
Fellowship proposals must be submitted by individuals. However, if an award is recommended, the proposal will be transferred to the host institution where the postdoctoral Fellow will be named as the PI. The award will be issued to the host institution as a regular research award, and the award will be administered by the host institution(s).
Up to 24 full-time-equivalent months of support may be requested. Fellows must begin their Fellowship within 12 months following the submission target date.
The annual fellowship amount of $82,800 in Year 1 and $85,000 in Year 2 consists of two types of direct costs:
- A $67,800 salary in Year 1 and $70,000 in Year 2.
- $15,000 a year in Year 1 and Year 2 to cover expenses directly related to the conduct of the proposed research and professional development goals, including but not limited to, materials and supplies, equipment, computing resources, access to databases, domestic and international travel, publication charges, and subscription fees.
- The fellowship budget should total $167,800 for all proposers.
To be eligible to submit a proposal to the OPP-PRF Program, an individual must, as of the full proposal target date, meet all of the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident (i.e., have a “green card”) at the time the proposal is submitted.
- Have earned the doctoral degree, or expect to have earned the doctoral degree, prior to the required start date of the fellowship.
- Not have worked for more than a total of 24 full-time-equivalent months in positions that require the doctoral degree.
- Provide a project plan that is appropriate for one of OPP’s research programs.
Prospective fellows are encouraged to implement the PRF at an institution new to the candidate, since the objectives of the fellowships include broadening the perspectives and experiences of the Fellows and promoting interdisciplinary research careers. However, NSF recognizes that moving to a new location for a two-year position may not be an option for all candidates, and therefore, proposals to remain at a candidate’s current institution are allowed. If a candidate proposes to be hosted by their graduate/current institution, they must clearly explain the benefits of this choice to their research and to their professional development goals.
- Website
General Program Contact, telephone: (703) 292-8030, email: [email protected]