Berman/Topper Huntington Disease Career Development Fellowship
Funding opportunities for young researchers wishing to study a rare disease like HD can be limited. The Huntington’s Disease Society of America (HDSA) believes we must ensure that the pipeline of passionate and bright HD scientists and clinicians remains full, a vision that is shared by the Berman and Topper families. With that in mind and with their support, HDSA is committed to sponsoring innovative lines of scientific inquiry into HD biology by early post-doctoral researchers with a desire to make HD part of their career plan. The goal of this program is to develop the next generation of passionate and innovative HD scientists.
Complete applications due: March 18, 2024, 5 PM Eastern
A three year grant mechanism to provide support for young scientists to work collaboratively with their mentors and other committed HD health professionals to help develop the fellow into an independent HD leader.
Awards up to $100,000/year ($95,000 salary and research support, plus $5,000 travel/education budget)
- Applications are welcome from young scientists/clinicians who are interested in a career in Huntington’s disease research or care.
- Applicants should be no more than 5 years removed from obtaining their PhD or completing their residency/fellowship.
- Applicants cannot have their own laboratory and must identify an individual who will serve as his or her mentor and supervisor.
- Open to researchers from around the world.
- Website
Leora Fox, PhD, Assistant Director, Research & Patient Engagement, [email protected],
Kelly Andrew, Coordinator, Research & Mission Programs, [email protected]g