PhD Network
Initiated in 2017 as part of a two-year planning process, the PhD Network consolidates the university’s many strengths for the benefit of student research, education, and career planning, and to direct resources to these priority areas.
Planning for the PhD Network involved the entire Northeastern community. At the behest of the Faculty Senate and University Provost, a PhD Joint Task Force comprising two PhD students and eight faculty members invited faculty, staff, and all PhD students to contribute their ideas and suggestions through town-hall style meetings as well as surveys, to which more than half of PhD students responded.
A key Task Force recommendation was to enhance PhD education and research programs by complementing, not replacing, existing programs and activities.
We encourage your engagement in making Northeastern a global leader in distinctively excellent PhD education. Please explore this site and share your ideas, reactions, and news.
Task Force Members
- Jane Amidon, Professor and Associate Dean, College of Arts, Media and Design
- Tim Bickmore, Professor, College of Computer and Information Systems
- Elizabeth Dillon, Professor and Chair, College of Social Science and Humanities
- Ranjini Ghosh, PhD Candidate in Law and Public Policy; President, Graduate Student Government
- Phil He, Associate Vice Provost, Graduate Education
- Karin Lifter, Professor and Chair, Bouve College of Health Sciences
- Carla Mattos, Professor, College of Science
- Fernando Suarez, Jean C. Tempel Professor, D’Amore-McKim School of Business
- Sara Wadia-Fascetti, Professor and Associate Dean, College of Engineering
- David Ignatius Walsh, Bioengineering PhD ‘16; Vice President, Graduate Student Government